Monthly Archives: April 2020

Learn about Quantified Flu and our weekly community calls

Join Quantified Flu

Do changes in physiological signals that are measured through wearables (such as body temperature and resting heart rate) precede consciously experienced symptoms (such as coughs, sore throats, shortness of breath, etc.)? This question is on many people’s minds right now, and it was a hot topic during an Open Humans community call in early March. Collectively we wondered whether it is possible to explore and potentially improve, through collective self research & an open process, what individual value data has with wearable data and symptom tracking.

As a result of this we have launched Quantified Flu, a collective project that tries to answer this question through both retrospective data analyses and the ongoing reporting of symptoms. It allows you to annotate your existing wearable data by adding past dates on which you fell sick. For the ongoing symptom collection, you can set up a daily check-in time on which you will get an email asking you to either quickly report “no symptoms” or enter symptoms if you experience any. 

You can decide how much of this data you want to share: You opt-in to publicly share the data through a random identifier, allowing others to analyze that data and create new and improved data visualizations. In the long-run we might share aggregated and de-identified data as well, as long as we are confident that this respects individual privacy. If you are interested in joining this effort as a participant, head to Quantified Flu and sign up!
All of this was made possible in such a short amount of time thanks to our great community, including Gary Wolf, Ernesto Ramirez, Katarzyna Wac, Chris Ball, Beau Gunderson, Lukasz Baldy, Konstantin Vdovkin and many more. If you want to contribute data visualizations, adding support for more wearables or help with web development, join our Slack and visit the #quantifiedflu channel!

Come to our Community Calls

As mentioned before: The idea to run Quantified Flu came directly out of our community calls, and given the huge interest in them we have ramped up the frequency and are now doing them on a weekly basis: They take place every Tuesday at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern / 6 pm GMT / 7pm CEST and you are invited to join us. We always welcome seeing new faces! 

The calls are done via Zoom and we have a growing Google Document that contains all the details on how to join the calls, an agenda for the upcoming call as well as notes of the past ones. If you want to get reminders for the meetings in your own calendar, we do have a community calendar that you can subscribe to. 

If you want to catch up on the prior community calls, we are recording them and make them available on the Open Humans YouTube channel.